With regards to the university, it is a good place, but you first need to understand the teaching system. It will not be like India. you might have heard from many of your friends doing their MBA in India that they have to cram up a lot. That will not happen here. Here it is a guided teaching system. You will first feel that they are not teaching you anything. Many people do not understand the reason for it and feel that it is of no use. The companies in India (Goldman sachs, Meryll Lynch, PWC, JP morgan, Accenture etc) hire Indian MBAs due to their number crunching skills which you get by repeated workouts of problems and scenario's. Here they will be trying to make you a manager who has knowledge of all sectors of management and not just the number crunching skills. Many of the Indian students, if you contact them, will tell you that the univ does not give enough of teaching. The reason for that is as above. They are still expecting to be spoon fed like in India. I am stressing on this point because, initially I too felt the same. Many of my friends doing their MBA from India kept telling me how they could not sleep for weeks due to assignments. You will have to learn to utilize the lecture. That is very important.
With regards to the comparison between Strath and other universities around here, it is very simple. Firstly look at the FT ranking. Secondly many of the other universities are changing their teaching style to suit Indian students to suite the multitude of Indians coming there. Such courses are no different from any MBA course in India. You might as well spend less and do the course from India. People come here to get the international exposure. I do concede that there will be a majority of Indian students in Strath as well, however the teaching systems will not be compromised. They continue to maintain a level of teaching which is superior to many other universities, and hence in the industry, the Strath name is well recognized.
1 comment:
British MBA in India are popular now a days and it is often choosen by students from other countries to get a different exposure.
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